WORLD CUP! BRASIL! (or Brazil)
Okay, sorry, I’ll tell you what’s going on,
FIFA WORLD CUP, THAT’S WHAT!!! FUTBOL! (soccer) It’s the first game, Brazil vs. Croatia! Yeah!
These are all the teams in the FIFA world cup, there are 32:
- Brazil
- Cameroon
- Mexico
- Croatia
- Australia
- Chile
- Netherlands
- Spain
- Colombia
- Côte d’lvoire
- Greece
- Japan
- Costa Rica
- England
- Italy
- Uruguay
- Ecuador
- France
- Honduras
- Switzerland
- Argentina
- Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Iran
- Nigeria
- Germany
- Ghana
- Portugal
- United States
- Algeria
- Belgium
- Korea Republic
- Russia
Brazil won against Croatia 3-1. YAY! This is why:
- Brazil is an AWESOME team!
- Since the games are in Brazil this year, Brazil has more fans to cheer them on.
A penalty kick that was a bad call.- Croatia didn’t have almost any people to cheer them.
- Brazil is an AWESOME team!
Well, anyway, time’s up guys! See ya!
r u hoping Brazil wins? i am
I think it’s great that you’re going for Brazil and all, but you DO know that the USA is in it too? Your home country?